DESCRIPTION: BOYSEN® Roofgard™ is a gloss, acrylic, water-based roof paint designed to protect and adhere to galvanized surfaces. It gives a durable and flexible film and has fast drying time and good gloss retention.
PRINCIPAL USES: For galvanized iron surfaces, pre-painted galvanized sheets, and unglazed roof tiles.
Excellent Adhesion
It provides excellent adhesion on properly prepared roofing materials such as galvanized and concrete roof tiles. Its thermoplastic film remains flexible over time without cracking and peeling.
Good Corrosion Resistance
It inhibits flash rusting on metal and provides good corrosion resistance with its specially formulated acrylic binder and pigment combination.
Easy Water Clean-Up
No need for thinners and solvent reducers. Tools, painting equipment, spills, and paint drips can be cleaned by water and soap solution while still wet.
Environmentally Sound
It is low in odor, non-flammable, and does not use hazardous solvents. It also does not contain lead or mercury.
Outstanding Durability
It provides excellent UV resistance and good gloss retention. The tightly adhering film retains its original color better than its solvent-based counterpart and offers good dirt pick-up resistance.
It dries in an hour compared to the 8 hours drying time for solvent-based roofing paints. Recoating interval is 2-4 hours, resulting in faster paint jobs and significant labor cost savings.
Touch: 1 hour
Recoat: 2 hours
*Depending on surface texture and porosity
TINTING: No tinting required.
THINNING SOLVENT: Use as supplied. If necessary, thin with not more than ½ Liter of clean water per 4-Liter can.
PACKAGING: 4-Liters and 16-Liters
APPLICATION: By brush, roller, or airless spray
Wipe the surface with a rag soaked in paint thinner to remove grease, oil, wax and other foreign matter. For new galvanized surfaces, etch the surface by applying 10% BOYSEN® Metal Etching Solution B-71 (Dilute 1 part of B-71 to 9 parts water). Rinse with water and dry immediately.
Unpainted galvanized surfaces that have been exposed for 6 months or more need not be etched.
For recoating pre-painted galvanized surfaces in good condition, sand lightly then wipe the surface with a clean rag before applying paint. Remove all loose paint film to sound surface. Spot prime bare substrate.
For corroded galvanized surfaces, remove rust by wire brushing and use BOYSEN® Metal Etching Solution B- 71. Let it stay for 10 – 15 minutes. Be sure to remove all remaining residue. Immediately prime after drying.
For unglazed roof tiles, clean surfaces to be painted to remove dirt, dust, grease, oil, and other contaminants.
New Painting
Galvanized iron sheets – BOYSEN® Primeguard™, BOYSEN® Rust-Off™, BOYSEN® Red Oxide Metal Primer, BOYSEN® Epoxy Primer Red Oxide or Gray
Unglazed roof tiles – BOYSEN® Permacoat™ B-701 White or BOYSEN® EcoPrimer™ B-105
Top coat: BOYSEN® Roofgard™ (at least 2 coats of any desired color)
For galvanized sheets with paint in good condition, clean surface from dirt and dust by washing and apply 2 coats of BOYSEN® Roofgard™.
Boysen Roofgard: Elevate your roofing projects with lasting protection. Quality meets reliability for a durable and beautiful finish.
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